We asked the BuzzFeed Community for their absolute least favorite guys in romantic comedies. Here are the assholes they couldn’t stand watching.
1. Elton (Jeremy Sisto) in Clueless
“Omg he’s the worst! Not only is he a pretentious asshole who insinuates Ty isn’t good enough for him, but he sexually harasses Cher when she repeatedly says no, then he LEAVES HER stranded in an unfamiliar part of town where she ends up getting mugged. I hate him!” —oliviab4a17c385c
2. Joe (Tom Hanks) in You’ve Got Mail
“He was a jerk and freaking put Meg Ryan out of business. Also it was her dead mother’s beloved bookshop??? And nobody seems to even care in the end? If it were me I’d kick his ass so hard his business would feel it.” —hshaller1120
3. Ben (Bradley Cooper) in He’s Just Not That Into You
“He lies the whole time, to his wife (Scarlett Johansson). And don’t get me started on the cheating thing. Not okay. And was it really him smoking? We never see any evidence, but the cigarettes are there!!” —mandyfullerm
4. Sam (Alex Carlson) in 13 Going on 30
“Not only did he not respect the fact that Jenna doesn’t want to be his anymore, which is my biggest issue, but he doesn’t pay attention to the fact that when he gets out of the shower she has no idea who this ‘strange man’ in her apartment is. Also…the striptease scene? GROSS! Matty is so much better-looking anyways!” —melissak4f9598632
5. Daniel (Hugh Grant) in Bridget Jones’s Diary
“Honestly a disgusting excuse for a human being. Every time he comes onscreen I wanna throw up.” —melaniep4ef81e4ea
6. Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) in 500 Days of Summer
“He puts all these expectations on Summer and becomes obsessed with her, all under the guise of true love. Hard pass.” —timeglare73
7. Harry (Alan Rickman) in Love Actually
“Flirts with his giraffe of a secretary for the entire Christmas party IN FRONT OF HIS WIFE, buys the woman an expensive necklace and gives his wife a CD, and then eventually sleeps with her and ruins Christmas.”
8. Julianne (Julia Roberts) in My Best Friend’s Wedding…
“She was the WORST character in any romantic comedy ever! I felt no sadness for her not getting her dream man in the end. Dermot Mulroney should have sent her ass packing in the end. No friend should ever get in the way of her BFF’s happiness.” —sarahc48880d19c
9. …and Anna (Julia Roberts) in Notting Hill
“She doesn’t tell Hugh Grant she has a boyfriend, lets him get humiliated, throws a tantrum when the press finds them together, wrongfully blames him even though he has been her only comfort, then has the balls/narcissism to ask him at the end to love her. She takes him totally for granted (pun intended) the entire time and discards him whenever it suits her.” —alexy4f6ab0995
10. Nate (Adrian Grenier) in The Devil Wears Prada
“He was the most self-centered boyfriend, and totally unsupportive of his girlfriend’s career. He was supposed to be Andy’s biggest cheerleader, but instead, he made her chose between him and her career. What a loser!” —rissecortez
11. Edward (Richard Gere) in Pretty Woman
“He’s a chauvinistic douchebag who feels the need to change the girl and shame her.” —pseudotumor
12. Danny (John Travolta) in Grease
“He pretended to be someone he wasn’t to get with her, then he was a dick to her in order to impress his friends. In the end, he accepts her only because she completely changed for him.” —mikolem
13. Joey (Andrew Keegan) in 10 Things I Hate About You
“He’s an obnoxious narcissist who’s willing to pay a lot of money just so he could get with Bianca. He’s super sleazy and totally deserved that broken nose.”
14. Jason (Tom Everett Scott) in Because I Said So
“He makes Mandy Moore’s character feel uncomfortable and bad about herself constantly.” —biancab4fef94982
15. Rob (John Cusack) in High Fidelity
“He treats his girlfriend like shit until she breaks up with him. Then he obsesses over winning her back, all the while trying to find out what he’s been doing wrong (and deciding it was always someone else’s fault). Because serial cheating wasn’t reason enough?” —caitlinm18
16. Mark (Andrew Lincoln) in Love Actually
“He chooses to be a complete douche to his BEST FRIEND’s girlfriend/fiancé/wife throughout their entire relationship…because he’s in love with her? Like how? How can he be ‘in love’ with someone he never speaks to, isn’t even friends with, and generally treats like crap? And then the wedding video… Dude. Creepy as shit.” —ihateredroses
17. Jesse (Skylar Astin) in Pitch Perfect
“I get it, he’s trying to be ‘cute’ or whatever, but Beca’s character is so independent and knows what she wants, she didn’t even need the relationship storyline to begin with. Jesse is constantly trying to change her into his ideal woman, because the person she is originally is not good enough for him. And, when she gets into trouble, he calls her dad, who she already has a strained relationship with. Not cool, bro.” —rashellew
18. Harry (Jack Nicholson) in Something’s Gotta Give
“The whole trope of ‘old-ass man sees the beauty and value of age-appropriate women but only after he’s satiated his taste for twentysomethings’ is stupid and played out. Who wouldn’t be into Diane Keaton? Is he supposed to get a medal for realizing at 63 what most people do/should by 40?” —danicak3
19. Mark (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) in The Other Woman
“He had a wife, a girlfriend, another girlfriend, then went to Mexico (I think) to meet up with ANOTHER GIRL. This was all at the same time! Then when they all confronted him, he had like a nervous breakdown. He’s such a jerk.” —royairavani01
20. Chris (Ryan Reynolds) in Just Friends
“The dude treats women (including the girl he’s trying to get with) like absolute garbage because he spent years operating under the belief that if you treat a girl like a human being you’re automatically entitled to having sex with her, only to find out that (shocker!) that’s not the way it works.” —angelicaschurch
21. Westley (Cary Elwes) in The Princess Bride
“He’s really full of himself and he treats Buttercup likes she’s a dumbass. She is. But it’s still rude.” —kbredenbeck
22. Steve (Matthew McConaughey) in The Wedding Planner…
“He character leads J.Lo on in the beginning, even though he’s engaged, and then pretty much blames her for his feelings. He confuses J.Lo and his poor fiancé the whole time. Despite the horrible character, I still love this movie and Matthew too. Guilty pleasure!” —victoriagraceg
23. …and Tripp (Matthew McConaughey) in Failure to Launch
“Actually, Matthew McConaughey in any movie he’s in.” —ryenmdetoro