The Cast Of BET's “Boomerang” Opened Up About Their Acting Journeys And Dropped Some Quality Gems Along The Way

Lala Milan (plays Tia): “My first day on set was my birthday, so it was a pretty big day. First, everyone on set surprised me. They had cake and books, because they know I like to read. I didn’t get an iPad or Apple products like RJ did, or whatever (laughs), but I was super excited for my reads. But seriously, everyone came together to celebrate my fricking birthday, so that was crazy. I went from being anxious and nervous, to being surprised, to being anxious and nervous again, so it was real emotional for me. But once we actually got into it, it was so fire just because I was thrilled to be there and I actually had my lines memorized. I was prepared. Ya girl was ready, you know what I mean?”