Bill Maher, Sharon Osbourne: Colleges Crank Out Marxists

Bill Maher’s disdain for the “woke mind virus” is hardly a state secret.

The “Club Random” host brings up the issue early and often, excoriating its impact on free speech and western culture.

What he did during his chat with TV personality Sharon Osbourne went far beyond his boilerplate woke bashing. He revealed its source in language that might shock his liberal peers.

Maher wasted little time broaching the subject in his conversation with Osbourne, who lost her steady gig on “The Talk” in 2021 due to a vicious Cancel Culture attack. The latter is an insidious off shoot of woke.

The host brought up his college days at Cornell University, a time when he struggled to find friends at first. 

“It was lonely, cold and competitive … it just wasn’t a fun college, but I learned a lot,” Maher said before asking if his guest had went to college.

“F*** no. I was working from 15,” Osbourne said.

“When I went to college, college had not yet become the insane places they are now,” Maher said. “Elite American colleges, I know people say, ‘oh, Bill, you’ve taken the Red Pill,’” Maher said, alluding to the “Matrix” meme of waking up to the hard-Left’s impact on the culture. “I’ve looked at this pretty carefully. What goes on in colleges is insanity. That’s where all the super nutty woke s*** emanates from.”

“Of course it does,” Osbourne added. “They come up Marxists or whatever. It’s insane.”

“They’re literally Marxists … hating America,” Maher added about how students emerge from the university experience. “I’ve never been a rah-rah [guy] … I make fun of all that s***  with the flyovers and getting a boner when you see the flag …  but I have perspective about America, which they do not.”

“I think colleges are very dangerous places right now,” she said, with Maher nodding along.

“Yes, it’s what I said. You didn’t miss a thing,” Maher said.

The host shared another toxic element of woke’s collegiate takeover. Teaching European culture now comes with sizable caveats.

“I was allowed to learn western civilization [at Cornell] … you’re not supposed to do that anymore because white people are toxic and terrible,” Maher said.

“We don’t count,” Osbourne said.

The post Bill Maher, Sharon Osbourne: Colleges Crank Out Marxists first appeared on Hollywood in Toto.

The post Bill Maher, Sharon Osbourne: Colleges Crank Out Marxists appeared first on Hollywood in Toto.