Luke Danes (Scott Paterson), Lorelai Gilmore (Lauren Graham), and Rory Gilmore (Alexis Bledel). Netflix
1. The revival begins with a host of famous quotes from the original Gilmore Girls, the last one being, “I smell snow.”
2. The iconic Gilmore Girls theme song doesn’t play before any of the episodes, but it does play during the credits of the fourth episode.
3. The rest of the music from the original series (aka the “la la’s”) are still very present.
4. Rory, who is now 32, has just moved out of her Brooklyn apartment.
5. She’s a freelance writer and most recently published something in The New Yorker. She’s planning on living a vagabond lifestyle, traveling “wherever the story takes her.”
6. Rory also has a boyfriend named Paul who she’s been dating for two years. Unfortunately for Paul, he seems to be incredibly forgettable to Rory and everyone else in her life.
7. But whenever she’s in London for work, she stays with Logan Huntzberger, who’s engaged to a woman named Odette who lives in Paris. Despite that fact, he and Rory carry on a romantic affair with no strings attached.
8. Logan seems to be working in media and/or publishing in London. It’s unclear if he’s actually working for his father.
9. Rory doesn’t even tell Lorelai about her relationship with Logan until the end of the second episode. Every time she’s in London, she tells Lorelai she’s staying with a friend named Dede.
10. Luke and Lorelai are living together in Lorelai and Rory’s original Stars Hollow home.
11. Luke finally gets Wi-Fi for his diner but he always gives customers the wrong password in hopes they’ll give up on using the internet.
Rory and her ex-boyfriend Logan (Matt Czuchry) back together in London. Netflix
12. He also has an updated list of rules hanging next to his “No cell phone” sign. It reads: “No texting while ordering; No man buns! No taking pictures of food; No headphones; If I can hear your music through your headphones, WHY ARE YOU WEARING HEADPHONES?”
13. Four months before the revival begins, Richard Gilmore died of a heart attack. According to Lorelai, his last words — which he spoke to the nurses taking care of him — were, “Get the hell away from me.”
14. Jason Stiles makes an appearance at Richard’s funeral in a flashback.
15. Emily and Lorelai get into a huge fight at the end of Richard’s wake because Lorelai drunkenly shares a less than flattering memory about her father.
16. Emily commissions a portrait of her late husband but mistakenly gives the wrong dimensions, so it takes up the entire living room wall.
Lorelai standing next to a gigantic portrait of Richard (Edward Herrmann). Netflix
17. She also finally keeps one of her maids around, Berta, without firing her. She even lets Berta’s family come and live in her home.
18. Luke and Lorelai explore the option of surrogacy but ultimately don’t go through with it.
19. This is when we find out that Paris Geller runs the “largest full-service fertility and surrogacy clinic in the western hemisphere.”
20. She and Doyle have two kids, but they’re also in the middle of getting a divorce.
21. Rory spends a lot of time crashing at Paris’s New York City brownstone apartment and at Lane’s house in Stars Hollow.
Zack (Todd Lowe), Lane (Keiko Agena), Brian (John Cabrera), and Gil (Sebastian Bach) performing together as Hep Alien. Netflix
22. Michel is married to a man named Frederick, who wants to have kids. Initially, Michel doesn’t want any part in it, but eventually he seems to come around.
23. Sookie took a sabbatical from The Dragonfly Inn to work with Dan Barber, a famous chef, at his well-known Blue Hill Farm, “helping him develop food growing techniques and cultivating the evolution of fruits and vegetables.”
24. Kirk owns a pig named Petal that he walks around town like dog. According to Lorelai, everyone in Stars Hollow chipped in for the pig when they found out Kirk and Lulu were thinking about having a baby.
25. Kirk also has a car service called OOO-ber, not to be confused with Uber.
26. Even though we don’t see them in the show, Liz and T.J. are still living in Stars Hollow and accidentally joined a vegetable cult.
27. Lane and Zack are also still happily married. Zack feels like he sold out because he recently got a promotion as a route supervisor. They still live in Stars Hollow and never had any more kids, just Steve and Kwan.
28. Everyone in Hep Alien still gets together and performs.
29. After all these years, we finally get a glimpse of Mr. Kim!
30. There’s a secret bar in Stars Hollow.
31. April, Luke’s daughter, goes to MIT and she smoked pot once.
32. Rory and Paris attend an alumni day at Chilton. They each speak to a different group of students, spend time with Professor Charleston, and even run into Francie, their high school enemy, in the bathroom. Paris also freaks out because she sees Tristan from afar. (No, Chad Michael Murray did not return for the revival.)
33. But the revival is full of lots of guest stars like, Mae Whitman, Carole King, Rachael Ray, Peter Krause, Sutton Foster, Christian Bortle, Jason Ritter, and even THE Paul Anka.
34. Speaking of which, Paul Anka the dog is still alive and kickin’.
35. Stars Hollow has to cancel their Gay Pride Parade because there aren’t enough gay people to participate. Gypsy makes a joke about it during a town meeting, alluding to the fact that Taylor Doose might be gay.
36. Carole King sings “I Feel the Earth Move” in a quick cameo during a meeting about the Stars Hollow musical.
37. After all these years, Emily and Lorelai finally go to therapy together until Emily eventually stops showing up.
38. In Richard’s will, he leaves Luke money to open a franchise of Luke’s Diners.
39. Mitchum Huntzberger helps get Rory a meeting at Condé Nast.
40. While in New York City with Lorelai to write a freelance piece, Rory has sex with a man she meets in line at a comic book store dressed up in a Wookiee costume.
41. After Rory bombs an interview with the creator of a website who pursued her even though she wasn’t interested, she moves home to Stars Hollow.
42. While struggling to find a steady job, Rory temporarily serves as the editor of the Stars Hollow Gazette.
43. Jess Mariano graces Stars Hollow with his presence and helps Rory come up with the idea to write a book based on her life with Lorelai. She tentatively titles it, The Gilmore Girls.
44. Jess is still working at his book press and says he hasn’t found anyone “permanent” in his romantic life.
45. Lorelai is less than thrilled when Rory tells her about the book idea because she doesn’t want her life story to be out in the world for everyone to know.
46. Which leads to another fight between them and they stop talking for a while.
47. Lorelai hikes the Pacific Crest Trail, inspired by Cheryl Strayed’s Wild.
48. The Life and Death Brigade, including Logan, visit Rory in Stars Hollow for one last adventurous night.
49. They even sing and dance around town to “With a Little Help From My Friends.”
50. The next morning, after waking up at a bed and breakfast in New Hampshire, Rory and Logan officially end things.
51. Rory writes the first three chapters of her book in Richard’s study.
52. Lorelai eventually comes around and gives Rory the suggestion to cut the “the” from her book title, just calling it Gilmore Girls.
53. Christopher is dating someone named Lana and works for his family’s business. Gigi’s apparently living in Paris.
54. Eventually, Emily quits the DAR in a dramatic monologue in which she calls the organization “bullshit!”
55. She also sells her home, moves to Nantucket (with Berta and her family) and starts volunteering at a local whaling museum.
56. Lorelai borrows money from her mom so she can purchase a larger property in Stars Hollow and expand The Dragonfly. She asks for the money that Richard left for Luke, since Luke doesn’t want to franchise his diner. Emily happily obliges, but says that Luke and Lorelai have to visit her in Nantucket a few times a year.
57. When Rory runs into Dean at Doose’s Market, they reminisce and catch up. Rory also finds herself standing in front of a box of cornstarch, which she shows to Dean on his way out. “Pay for it next time,” he jokingly says to her.
58. Dean and his wife, Jenny, have three kids and one more on the way. They live in Scranton, Pennsylvania.
59. In the final episode, Rory excitedly tells Jess that she finished three chapters of her book, jumping up and down and grabbing his coat. Luke asks Jess if he’s really over Rory, to which he replies, “Yep. Long over.”
60. But then, Jess longingly stares at Rory through the front window, implying that he still has feelings for her.
61. In the last episode of the revival, Luke and Lorelai finally get married.
62. Sookie only shows up for one emotional scene in the final episode. She bakes Lorelai a bunch of different wedding cakes to choose from, and the two of them talk about how they’ll always be friends.
63. Luke and Lorelai plan a big wedding to take place during the day on Nov. 5, but they decide to get married late at night the night before, to take some of the pressure off.
64. “Reflecting Light” by Sam Phillips, the song that plays in the background while they get married, is the same song that plays the first time they dance together at Luke’s sister’s wedding in Season 4.
65. Rory’s boyfriend Paul breaks up with her over text in the final episode because “of their conflicting schedules,” after she basically forgot about him all year.
66. Rory doesn’t end up with anyone at the end of the series.
67. The final four words are split between Rory and Lorelai. “Mom,” Rory says. “Yeah?” Lorelai responds. “I’m pregnant.”