1. This is Denise Hill, a mom living in Kansas City, Missouri, and she loves Halloween.
Hill told BuzzFeed News that she knows Halloween “isn’t really considered a holiday,” but that doesn’t stop her and her children from dressing up each year.
Hill said that she usually dresses up for her children’s Halloween party at their school, which just so happens to feature a competition for best costume — and the family usually enters as a group.
2. On Monday, Cheyenne Piggie, Hill’s sister-in-law, posted a photo of the family’s latest Halloween costume: Golden Sports Trophies.
s/o to my nieces mama this has gotta be the most creative thing ever … trophies for Halloween 🏆
— CheyPiggie (@PiggieCheyenne)
The tweet went viral and so far has garnered more than 20 thousand retweets and 30 thousand likes.
3. “It was actually shocking to me, but it was exciting, it was nice,” Hill said when asked how she felt about people’s genuine reactions to the family’s costumes.
From left to right: Denver, 5, is doing her best ballerina pose; Aspen, 8, is channeling her inner soccer player; Aria Randolph, 15, is ready to take off with her superb track star pose; and of course, Hill is dressed as the world’s best tennis player.