The One Historical Detail You Probably Missed From “Titanic”

Meet. Me. At. The. Clock.

It’s been 20 years since Titanic was released, which means we’ve each watched it approximately 20 million times. And you know what? It still holds up.

It's been 20 years since Titanic was released, which means we've each watched it approximately 20 million times. And you know what? It still holds up.

Paramount Pictures / 20th Century Fox

Therefore it might come as a surprise that there are few tiny itty bitty details that you might’ve missed — but for now, let’s stick to one.

Therefore it might come as a surprise that there are few tiny itty bitty details that you might've missed — but for now, let's stick to one.

Paramount Pictures / 20th Century Fox

Remember at the very end of the movie when — SPOILER ALERT — Rose dies* in her sleep?

Remember at the very end of the movie when — SPOILER ALERT — Rose dies* in her sleep?

*While we’re not explicitly told that Rose dies, SHE CERTAINLY APPEARS TO.

Paramount Pictures / 20th Century Fox

RIGHT after that, we’re taken to the bottom of the ocean and aboard the sunken Titanic…

RIGHT after that, we're taken to the bottom of the ocean and aboard the sunken Titanic...

Paramount Pictures / 20th Century Fox

…which comes alive again right before our eyes! Just as Rose remembered it!

...which comes alive again right before our eyes! Just as Rose remembered it!

Paramount Pictures / 20th Century Fox

And then this guy holds the door and lets us (ghost Rose) inside a room full of Titanic ghosts.

And then this guy holds the door and lets us (ghost Rose) inside a room full of Titanic ghosts.

Paramount Pictures / 20th Century Fox

Only real Titanic fans know this is a reference to an earlier scene in the movie where Jack joins the rich folk for dinner and gives a rousing speech about making life count.

Only real Titanic fans know this is a reference to an earlier scene in the movie where Jack joins the rich folk for dinner and gives a rousing speech about making life count.

Paramount Pictures / 20th Century Fox

After the meal is over, he slips Rose a note…

After the meal is over, he slips Rose a note...

Paramount Pictures / 20th Century Fox

…and the note reads, “make it count. Meet me at the clock!”

...and the note reads, "make it count. Meet me at the clock!"

Paramount Pictures / 20th Century Fox

And she does.

And she does.

Paramount Pictures / 20th Century Fox

But that’s not the only reference in the final scene!

But that's not the only reference in the final scene!

Paramount Pictures / 20th Century Fox

There’s another detail, and you probably missed it. In fact, you need to look realllyyyyy closely to see it. — we’re gonna need a closer look. ENHANCE.

There's another detail, and you probably missed it. In fact, you need to look realllyyyyy closely to see it. — we're gonna need a closer look. ENHANCE.

Paramount Pictures / 20th Century Fox



Paramount Pictures / 20th Century Fox

It’s a little grainy, but that clock reads 2:20. Rose and Jack unite again at 2:20. You’re probably thinking, “so what?”

It's a little grainy, but that clock reads 2:20. Rose and Jack unite again at 2:20. You're probably thinking, "so what?"

Paramount Pictures / 20th Century Fox

WELL, on April 15th, 1912, the Titanic sank… at 2:20 a.m.!!!!!

WELL, on April 15th, 1912, the Titanic sank... at 2:20 a.m.!!!!!

Central Press / Getty Images

It’s just that sort of attention to detail that makes this movie so great!

It's just that sort of attention to detail that makes this movie so great!

Paramount Pictures / 20th Century Fox