We asked the BuzzFeed Community for the best Halloween TV episodes of all time. Here are the binge-worthiest results.
1. Boy Meets World, “And Then There Was Shawn.”
“It’s Scream ingeniously intertwined with my favorite show of the ’90s. I look for it every single year.”
2. Parks and Recreation, “Halloween Surprise.”
“This episode was packed with hilarious moments from Donna’s live-tweeting session to Ron’s adventures in trick-or-treating with Diane’s kids and Jerry’s fart attack. But more important, it gave us the best moment of all when Ben came back to surprise Leslie with one of the most beautiful and perfect proposals in TV history.”
—Ilana Friedman, Facebook
3. Basically all the Roseanne Halloween episodes.
“I literally can’t even believe more people aren’t saying anything about Roseanne. Roseanne has THE BEST Halloween episodes IN THE HISTORY OF TV, period. I even have a special edition DVD of the collection of Halloween episodes they did during the series. Their first Halloween episode, titled “Boo!” in Season 2, will ALWAYS be my absolute all-time favorite Halloween episode of any television series ever. Amazing.”
—Amanda Falcone, Facebook
4. And all of the Community Halloween episodes.
“Obviously Community needs to be mentioned for any one of its, frankly, brilliant Halloween episodes. I think my favourite would be Season 4’s — from Troy and Abed’s adorable Calvin and Hobbes costume, to the wild goose chase through Pierce’s tacky old mansion (underscored throughout by their usual witty dialogue (‘Remember when this show used to be about a community college?’).”
—Courtney Weakley, Facebook
5. The Office, “Costume Contest.”
“The episode of The Office when they all get overly competitive to win the coupon book — makes me laugh every time Oscar wins dressed as a ‘rational consumer.’”
—Kaylee Schnobrich, Facebook
6. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, “Halloween.”
“I’d have to say Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s episode ‘Halloween’ in Season 2. It was fun seeing all of the characters subvert their typical personalities, plus you see Buffy and Angel’s relationship blossoming into something deeper, and it’s one of Oz’s first times seeing Willow. Just a fun idea and a fun episode!”
—Lindsey Freeman, Facebook
7. The Suite Life of Zack And Cody, “The Ghost of Suite 613.”
“Scared the shit out of me as a kid.”
8. Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place, “Mind Over body.”
“It’s not truly Halloween until I’ve watched this episode. I mean, a mad scientist, Nathan Fillion being cute as always, Ryan Reynolds playing Sharon — life doesn’t get much better than that!”
—Soraya Joosten, Facebook
10. Bob’s Burgers, “The Hauntening.”
“My favorite is ‘The Hauntening,’ the one where the family makes a haunted house to scare the un-scareable Louise. The genuine, quirky, affectionate family dynamic of the Belchers is the main reason I love the show and this episode is a great example of that.”
—Brinnley Spencer, Facebook
11. Lizzie McGuire, “Night of the Day of the Dead.”
“I LOVED watching the Lizzie McGuire episode “Night of the Day of the Dead” every year during Disney’s month of Halloween specials. It was great seeing Lizzie and her family and friends get back at Kate for being a grade-A mean girl, but you didn’t know everyone was in on it until the end. Gotta love a surprise ending!”
—Katherine Mallory, Facebook
12. That ’70s Show, “Too Old to Trick or Treat, Too Young to Die.”
“The That ’70s Show episode that spoofed a bunch of different Hitchcock classics is so underrated. It gets really creative in how it approached different iconic horror moments, like when Kelso gets chased by a kid’s toy plane. Add Wilmer Valderrama dressed as Dr. Frankenfurter and you get a pretty sweet Halloween show!”
—Colleen Deitrich, Facebook
13. Hey Arnold!, “Arnold’s Halloween.”
“I love the Hey Arnold! Halloween episode. It has a spooky tone which I always love in those old school cartoons. Gets me in that Halloween mood all the while making me laugh and having a good time.”
—Niall Hassett, Facebook
14. Bones, “The Mummy in the Maze.”
“They try to figure out how a girl’s mummified corpse ends up in a Halloween hay maze. Highlights include their costumes (especially Booth as a squint and Zach as the back half of a cow) and all the times Booth is just over the whole maze thing.”
—Emily Kogut, Facebook
15. It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, “Who Got Dee Pregnant?”
“Hands down my fave Halloween episode! Dee is an actual Ostrich by the end of it haha.”
—Lucy Patterson, Facebook
16. That’s So Raven, “Don’t Have a Cow.”
“Chelsea and Raven have a dooooooomed Halloween (they turn into cows!).”
—Cori Paterson, Facebook
17. Family Matters, “Stevil.”
“Gotta be the Family Matters episode with ‘Stevil,’ the evil ventriloquist dummy. Between the deep, sinister voice and the overall creepiness of ventriloquist dummies in general, Stevil scared the crap out of me as a kid.”
—Chris Roll, Facebook
18. How I Met Your Mother, “Slutty Pumpkin.”
“The ‘Slutty Pumpkin’ will always be one of my favs!”
—Alicia Joyce, Facebook
19. Martin, “Boo’s in the House.”
“The Martin Halloween show when he and Gina buy a ‘haunted’ house from Mr. T is a classic.”
—Keisha R. Tapp, Facebook
20. The Simpsons, “Tree House of Horror V.”
“‘Well, what do you think, Marge? All I need is a title. I was thinking along the lines of… No TV and no beer make Homer something, something.’
‘Go crazy?’
‘DON’T MIND IF I DOOO!’ *goes crazy*”
—Megan Hayes, Facebook
21. Keenan and Kel, “Two Heads Are Better Than One.”
“Hands down, this is my favorite. I try to watch it every Halloween and it always makes me laugh!”
22. Punky Brewster, “The Perils of Punky.”
“Absolutely the one that scared me the most: the Halloween two-part episode of Punky Brewster, ‘The Perils of Punky.’ I was a huge Punky fan, but I never saw part two because part one terrified me so bad that I had nightmares for weeks and thought when I was lying in my bed that I saw the floating heads of her friends who were trapped in the rocks of the cave during the episode. I looked it up a couple of years ago, and it still creeped me out too bad to finish it. Just the sound of her friends going, ‘Puuunky, Punky!’ *shudder*”
—Theresa McKean, Facebook
23. One Tree Hill, “An Attempt to Tip the Scales.”
“I actually re-created Peyton’s Angel of Death costume because I was seriously obsessed with it. And it was also during my emo/”I hate everything” phase, so the timing of that episode was perfect.”
—Varsha Narayan, Facebook
24. Brooklyn Nine-Nine, “Halloween II.”
“Brooklyn Nine-Nine Seasons 1 and 3 have my favorite Halloween episodes of all time.”
25. Home Movies, “Coffins and Cradles.”
“Lynch takes his cat costume too seriously, Melissa wanders around a hospital dressed as the grim reaper, and McGuirk has the funniest heart attack ever on TV.”
26. Home Improvement, “Crazy for You.”
“Home Improvement always had great Halloween episodes! ‘The Haunting of Taylor House,’ ‘Crazy for You,’ ‘I Was a Teenage Taylor,’ and ‘Bewitched’ were all great.”
27. Modern Family, “Open House of Horrors.”
“Gloria goes loco on these teens who egg her house, Cam flashes people at his party so they can see how slim he is under his Bull costume, Lilly thinks a drag queen is her birth mom, and, best of all, Claire pranks Phil at his open house (of horrors).”