Even Ross would agree.
Remember Paolo from Friends?
Warner Bros.
In case you aren’t as Friends-obsessed as I am, here’s a refresher: He was Rachel’s hunky Italian boyfriend.
Warner Bros. / Via Netflix
He was also a thorn in Ross’s side from the very beginning.
Warner Bros. / Via Netflix
And then he hit on (and groped) Phoebe, proving Ross right about the whole “crapweasel” thing.
Warner Bros. / Via Netflix
All caught up? Good.
Warner Bros. / Via Netflix
It’s time to separate the actor from the role, because Cosimo Fusco, who played Paolo, is now an international film star, and a bona fide silver fox.
Can Nguyen / Can Nguyen/REX/Shutterstock / Via youtube.com
Here he is in a music video he directed AND starred in, serving black-and-white, solitary realness.
nididarac / Via youtube.com
In addition to his many roles in Italian cinema, Fusco has appeared on American screens in films like Gone in 60 Seconds and Angels and Demons, and on shows including The Mentalist and Rome.
Paolo may have been a dirtbag, but I would definitely go to the “poke-a-nose” with Signor Fusco any day for skiing or…whatever.
Jacopo Raule / Getty Images