“Your mother was the bravest person we ever knew…”
The first trailer for Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again just dropped and before you do anything else you must watch it:
Okay, let’s proceed. As a huge fan of the original movie starring Meryl Streep and Amanda Seyfried, I’ve been pretty intrigued to see this trailer. But about 10 seconds in, I started having a full blown freakout.
Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) is pregnant and she’s so glad her mom’s friends Rosie and Tanya are there because: “I don’t know how to do this by myself…”
Um, why would you be by yourself, Sophie?? You’ve got your good ‘ole mom, Donna Streep there, don’t you?!
Universal Pictures
And then Rosie goes: “Your mother was the bravest person we ever knew…”
Universal Pictures
EX-FUCKING-CUSE ME??? WAS the bravest person they ever KNEW?! Past tense? Is…Donna…dead…in this sequel?????
The rest of the trailer shows Rosie and Tanya telling Sophie about Donna’s life story, and much of that is told in flashbacks. Of course, Meryl Streep is IN the movie, but there are certainly no “present day” clips of her in the trailer.
Universal Pictures