Water fountain? Bidet? We’ve all gotten them mixed up before, right?
Like a lot of people over the weekend, you might’ve spent a ton of time binge-watching Season 2 of Netflix’s Stranger Things, starring Finn Wolfhard, who plays the character Mike Wheeler.
Frazer Harrison / Getty Images
But fret not, because there are no spoilers about the new season in this post. There is, however, a very amusing story about an unfortunate “water fountain” incident Wolfhard recently recounted on his Twitter feed.
Netflix / Via giphy.com
On Monday afternoon, Wolfhard tweeted the following:
Twitter / Via Twitter: @FinnSkata
Moments later, the actor revealed that what he presumably thought was an object from which he could receive a refreshing drink of water was actually a bidet.
Twitter / Via Twitter: @FinnSkata
For reference, this is what a bidet looks like:
Yunava1 / Getty Images
Soon after, Wolfhard tweeted another photo, this time featuring a description of what a bidet is and what it does.
Yep, it’s pretty much used for cleaning your butt. Quite the opposite of a water fountain.
Twitter / Via Twitter: @FinnSkata
BuzzFeed News has reached out to representatives of Wolfhard in order to get to the bottom of this pressing matter.
Netflix / Via giphy.com