Fine with me, TBH.
Dear Game of Thrones fans, I have a little bit of bad news for you.
Or maybe great news if you’re a total Jongritte stan?
Because it sounds like production on Season 8 (aka the FINAL season) of Thrones may have to unexpectedly “shut down” for a bit during filming.
For those of you keeping tabs, the show probably won’t come back until 2019.
According to IndieWire, during his recent interview with Jonathan Ross (in a clip not available online), Kit Harington said he and Rose Leslie would be getting married during filming for Season 8.
ITV / Via youtube.com
I rang [the producer] up and I said, “I’m getting married and it’s your fault actually.” I think for the final season he is so stressed that he’s reached that peaceful level.
I mean, he’s not WRONG though…it really is their “fault” LOL.
I was like, “You need to factor in a Game of Thrones wedding by the way.” They [the cast] have all got to be there, so the whole thing has got to shut down.
Realistically, the wedding probably won’t take more than a day or two of the cast and crew’s time.
So, it shouldn’t mess with the production schedule THAT much.
Justin Tallis / AFP / Getty Images
And, as long as no Freys are invited, the wedding will hopefully not be of the ~red~ variety.
JK, it’ll be great!