Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner trended online this week after it was revealed that they would not allow Secret Service members to use any of their bathrooms in their home.
Eventually, they had to rent a $3,000 a month basement from a neighbor just so that they could relieve themselves when needed.
The Secret Service was instructed not to use any of the half-dozen bathrooms inside the couple’s house and spent months searching for a reliable restroom to use on the job, according to neighbors and law enforcement officials, The Washington Post reports.
“It’s the first time I ever heard of a Secret Service detail having to go to these extremes to find a bathroom,” said one law enforcement official familiar with the situation.
Their neighbors are not fans of the couple either.
“They sort of came in with the attitude, like, ‘We are royalty,’” Dianne Bruce, a former neighbor, said. “When they put the porta-potty right outside on the sidewalk we weren’t allowed to walk on, that was when people in the neighborhood said, ‘That’s really not acceptable.’”