Here Are All The Things Kanye West Said In His Live TMZ Interview And It’s A Lot

“This reality has been forced upon us. It is a choice just like when I said slavery is a choice.”

On Tuesday, Kanye West went on TMZ Live with conservative YouTuber Candace Owens to share their side of what his recent screeds about free thought and his wearing of the Make America Great Again hat meant.

On Tuesday, Kanye West went on TMZ Live with conservative YouTuber Candace Owens to share their side of what his recent screeds about free thought and his wearing of the Make America Great Again hat meant.


“You can’t tell me what I’m supposed to do … I don’t subscribe to icons. You take the Nazi symbol, if you go to India, it is all over the place, but it doesn’t represent that. It represents something different. So to me to wear that [MAGA] hat means I want to make America great in my own way.”

“When you hear about slavery for 400 years. For 400 years? That sounds like a choice. You were there for 400 years, and it is all of y’all?

“It is like we are mentally in prison. I like the word prison because slavery goes too direct to the idea of blacks. It is like slavery/Holocaust, Holocaust is Jews, and slavery is blacks. It is like we are one with the human race, we are human beings and stuff.”


“We are going to go and talk — I want to talk to the guys in Charlottesville on both side, on both sides…

“I’m not a white supremacist. I don’t support white supremacy. By the way, white supremacy is a redundant statement in America, whites are supreme in America, that’s what we’re taught.”

“People need to start worrying about themselves. If I go and grab some water out of the fridge and I am in the studio, I am not asking anybody if they want water. If you want water, you saw me grab the water. You grab your own water. We need to start worrying about ourselves and not worrying about what other people think, and we have the right to free thought.”

“You know when I went and visited [Trump] the first time right after the election? And then I deleted the tweets. I was drugged the fuck out. I was addicted to opioids.

“Two days after I got off opioids I am in the hospital … Two days before I was in the hospital, I was on opioids. I was addicted to opioids.

“I had plastic surgery because I was trying to look good for y’all. I got liposuction because I didn’t want y’all to call me fat like y’all called Rob [Kardashian] at the wedding and made him fly home before me and Kim got married. I didn’t want y’all to call me fat, so I got liposuction and they gave me opioids [after]. I started taking two of them and then driving to work on the opioids.

“When I left the hospital, how many pills do you think I was given? Seven. I went from taking two pills to taking seven. So the reason why I denounced, why I dropped those tweets and everything, because I was drugged the fuck out, bro. And I am not drugged out.

“These pills that they want me to take three of a day, I take one a week maybe, two a week. Y’all had me scared of myself, of my vision. So I took some pills so I wouldn’t go to hospital and prove everyone right.”

The politics of race and perceived reality

The politics of race and perceived reality

“This reality has been forced upon us. It is a choice just like when I said slavery is a choice. The reality. We can make our own reality. We can talk about history, but not too long. We need to talk about our now. We can fix and start loving each other now.

“I say we have no enemies. We don’t have enemies. Black people have a tendency to focus and march when a white person kills a black person or wears a hat, but when it is 700 kids being killed in Chicago, it is OK. It’s OK for blacks to kill blacks … There has been more focus and marches about whites killing blacks than kids in Chicago killing each other.”

Jim Young / Getty Images

“We are now in the hospital. TMZ is the hospital to fix the world. Obama was our opioids. It made us feel like everything was good.”

On the need to communicate with Trump…

On the need to communicate with Trump...

“If we don’t like Trump, we have to talk to him. We have to talk, we have to talk, because Trump is a human being also, and he is in a very powerful position. And he is doing a lot of things to actually help business owners be able to go past all these fake laws and rules and things.”

Timothy A. Clary / AFP / Getty Images

“I believe that Kim Jong Un didn’t believe that Obama was crazy enough to come at him. Sometimes you need some crazy shit to change something.”

“It is free love. It is a spirit. In the office you had Tupac and John Lennon [paintings] on the wall. I don’t want to be the third one, but I am willing to be the third one for free love on that wall.”

“There is a class war happening right now, too. The class war might be — the class war is one of the reasons why Trump won. Because Obama was so high class that it stopped speaking to the middle and the lower class. He was so classy.”

“Love is the strongest force in the universe”

"Love is the strongest force in the universe"

“I know from the bottom of my gut and my soul and my spirit and my subconscious that love is the strongest force in the universe, and right now we need love. We need the moment when North Korea and South Korea connect. We need the moment when we go down to Charlottesville, and when we go to those houses.

“We need to break down race. We talk about race so much, we don’t even talk about class.”

AFP Contributor / AFP / Getty Images

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