Disney Just Released The “Solo” Posters And, TBH, They’re Beautiful Throwbacks Filled With Easter Eggs

“You like me because I’m a scoundrel.”

The first full trailer for the upcoming Solo: A Star Wars Story has only been out for a hot minute, but it’s pretty clear that fans are very excited — and I would like to personally make a casual shout out to Lando Calrissian in his fur coat-look dreams are made of.

The first full trailer for the upcoming Solo: A Star Wars Story has only been out for a hot minute, but it's pretty clear that fans are very excited — and I would like to personally make a casual shout out to Lando Calrissian in his fur coat-look dreams are made of.

Joonas Suotamo as Chewbacca, Woody Harrelson as Beckett, Emilia Clarke as Qi’ra, and Alden Ehrenreich as Han Solo.

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Han Solo:

Han Solo:

First up is the scruffy-looking nerf herder himself, placed in front of what almost looks like something akin to Jabba’s palace (not exactly, but similar)?! At the very least, this location looks very reminiscent of Tatooine. ALSO — can we talk about how the front of the Millenium Falcon looks DIFFERENT in these posters? (It has like a single/triangular nose front, instead of the DOUBLE we’re used to seeing?!)

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Crystal Ro / BuzzFeed / Lucasfilm Ltd.



Khaleesi, I’m sorry, I mean Qi-ra holding what looks like a very large-barreled blaster and standing near a cliff by an ocean of some sort.

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Crystal Ro / BuzzFeed / Lucasfilm Ltd.



The galaxy’s best co-pilot is holding what suspiciously does NOT look like his iconic crossbow blaster — HMMM. WILL WE SEE THE ORIGIN OF HIS FAMOUS WEAPON?! (Also, you may have noticed in the trailer he had double crossed ammo belts (or bandoliers) instead of the one we’ve been seeing him wear for the last several decades!)

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Crystal Ro / BuzzFeed / Lucasfilm Ltd.

And finally, love of our lives, Lando Calrissian:

And finally, love of our lives, Lando Calrissian:

I’m VERY happy to see Lando was a fan of fabulous AF capes since his younger years. Also, diggin’ that he was apparently into the gold and blue color scheme since back then, too?! Also, kudos to Donald Glover for striking a post just like Billy Dee Williams did back in the day for HIS promo art!

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Crystal Ro / BuzzFeed / Lucasfilm Ltd.

Very, very ready for May 25.

Very, very ready for May 25.

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