Columbus Short: Britney Spears’s Parents Called Me The N-Word!!

Actor Columbus Short is alleging that the parents of pop icon Britney Spears once called him the n-word.

The actor was a guest on Inside Hollywood, where he recalled the incident. “I wasn’t shocked when it happened. Look where they’re from … they’re from Louisiana. The way it came out was so effortless, like that’s how they speak,” said Short. “I wasn’t shocked and I wasn’t hurt by it, I was just like, ‘Wow, this is, okay, I know who I am around here.’… Because they have Black bodyguards doesn’t mean behind closed doors they don’t use that word.”


Britney Spears Struggles To Dance (; 0:52)

The actor previously detailed the incident in his memoir. He says he once bedded the singer.

“I was next to [Britney] while she was on the phone with them crying while she had it on speaker.” Short then says that he heard someone on the line say, “Why are you f*king that n*gger?” 

He said, “Britney looked at me so apologetically, knowing I’d heard it. I shook my head and didn’t say anything, because what was there to say?”