MTO News spoke with two people close to one of the hottest couples in the world, who are both worried about the top couple’s relationship. They call their relationship “Toxic”, “codependent”, and are saying that both he and she are FULL BLOWN ADDICTS.

According to both people, the couple has an unhealthy “co-dependent” relationship that revolves around the addiction. His addiction is heroin, and hers in alcohol.
One friend of the couple told MTO News, “[The female celebrity] is a complete lush drunk, she has been for years. It’s really impacted her life, changed her personality, and ended a lot of her close friends and relationships.” The former friend adds, “She should have gotten help a long time ago, but she has too many enablers around her who allow her to continue.”
The friend claims that the female superstar’s weight gain has been mostly attributable to her excessive drinking.
And her relationship, with her boyfriend is only exacerbating the problem, MTO News has learned.
That’s because the word on the street is that he’s an active heroin addict.
Another of the couple’s friends explained, “[male celebrity] is on heroin. He started with lean and pills, now he just injects that stuff in his arms.” The friend added, “He’s a junkie in every way. And [the two of them] are living like drug addicts.”
And it gets worse. The friend claims that the celebrity couple go on “long binges” where they hunker down at home for days – with her drinking constantly, and him constantly injecting heroin in his veins.
“They stay at home and drink and drug for days, watching Netflix or whatever and just high all day. It’s scary.”
Both friends of the couple are worried about them, and believe that their addictions are spiraling out of control. One of the friends told MTO News, “They can’t hide it anymore, too many people know and its getting serious. It’s only a matter of time before something bad happens, like an overdose or worse.”