This post is somehow NSFW and totally safe for work at the same time.
Shame (2011)
That glorious scene when Michael Fassbender’s character, Brandon, keeps eyeing a girl on the subway and she stares sexily back at him.
Fox Searchlight
40 Days and 40 Nights (2002)
Josh Hartnett is abstaining from sex for Lent. He meets and falls in love with a girl during that time, so he uses flower petals and the branch of blooming orchids to give her the most sensual touches and (ultimately) an orgasm. All without ever having or giving any physical/sexual touches to her body. It is so erotic and steamy, yet there is no actual sex going on.
Miramax FIlms
Dirty Dancing (1987)
When Baby and Johnny are dancing, right before they start kissing. Gets me every time.
Great American Films