26 Tweets About “This Is Us” That Say Exactly What You're Thinking

Since This Is Us came into our lives, every Tuesday like clockwork has become a night of loudly sobbing while clutching approximately 3-5 tissues in each hand.

Here are just a few tweets that accurately describe the roller coaster of emotions we all experience while watching our new favorite TV show.

Don’t ever watch an episode of @NBCThisisUs at your desk while at work…..If you do, you’ll have to explain why you’re crying. #ThisIsUs

— Helen-Marie (@Marie_Reads)

When you meet other people who watch #ThisIsUs

— Chelsea Michelle (@CMDfashionista)

I am going to start NOT wearing mascara on tuesdays, not even the waterproof kind! Can’t wait for tonight’s episode of #ThisIsUs

— AnneGeeLuh (@ARM726)

I know there’s more to the story, but I am every time I see Miguel on #ThisIsUs I’m like:

— Chris Harnick (@chrisharnick)

So this is what happens a TV show rips your still beating heart right out of your chest and shows it to you. #ThisIsUs

— Jay Jennings (@skubalon)

Men, learn from Jack. #ThisIsUs

— Erin Lim (@erinlimofficial)

Halfway into the new #ThisIsUs episode and I’m just like

— Kristina Barone (@thebestBARnONE)

THE BEST SHOW ON TV RIGHT NOW HANDS DOWN IS “THIS IS US”. If you haven’t watched it yet u r missing the best hr of ur life!!!!#ThisIsUs

— OLIVIA (@1andonlyOlivia)

“ma’am this is a liquor store” “i know but it says liquor and more so where’s the more?” REBECCA IS MY SPIRIT ANIMAL. #ThisIsUs @NBCThisisUs

— (julia) (@HaleftBush)

About to start tonight’s #ThisIsUs. Promise me you’ll look away if I start weeping. Okay, okay. When I start weeping.

— Bryan Behar (@bryanbehar)

The fact that Jack wants to get back to Rebecca in spite of her being a hormonal mess and forgetting his Birthday? COME ON. #ThisIsUs

— Mandy Moore (@TheMandyMoore)

I need to get myself a man like Jack or convince @MiloVentimiglia that I’m his real life Rebecca. #ThisIsUs

— Cayla (@caylamasters)

Me right now #ThisIsUs @TheMandyMoore @MiloVentimiglia @justinhartley

— Krista Turner (@kturnerxo)

#ThisIsUs: the reason why your full box of Kleenex becomes damn near empty by the end of each episode.

— hellresidentNY (@hellresidentNY)

Why, oh why do u do that to me @NBCThisisUs ? Every damn week I’m a blubbering mess. Can we just give Gerald McRaney an Emmy now. #ThisIsUs

— 🌸BeckySlays🌸 (@SoapTweetsGH)

Oh my god 😭 #ThisIsUs so many feels! What an episode! Take the most sour lemons and make lemonade.

— Jeanine Ferry (@jeaninelynn)

I don’t often cry while watching TV but when I do it’s on Tuesdays watching @NBCThisisUs. Thanks, Dr. K. #ThisIsUs

— Susan Winfrey (@swin_116)

Each person who enters our life, no matter how briefly, help to shape our futures.
Best show ever.
#ThisIsUs @NBCThisisUs

— Ray-Victoria (@RachelVHer)

Thought I would never forgive @TheMandyMoore for how she treated Mia Thermopolis but Rebecca makes up for it. #ThisIsUs 😂

— Tiffany Smallwood (@TiffSmallwood)

Jack and Rebecca = Relationship goals #ThisIsUs

— Jessica Angelly ☀ (@JessicaAngelly)

Finally watching #ThisIsUs
Nobody warned me…

— Dani Donato (@danidONAT0)

#ThisIsUs is maybe the sweetest show on television right now. Cheesy as it may be, every week my heart feels just a little bit warmer

— Robert Butler III (@RB3Schmoes)

#ThisIsUs should have a disclaimer : Warning…watching this show will cause involuntary sobs, puffy eyes, wine consumption and sighs #Icry

— Amy Winterrowd (@runninRN)

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