Awww, jeez.
When Jerry was the unfortunate face of “park safety”.
Leslie: Jerry’s face is the symbol of failure.
NBC / Via uproxx.com
When Toby received Michael’s going away gift.
“Suck on this.”
NBC / Via buzzfeed.com
When Jerry tried to greet Diane’s kids.
Jerry: Well, hey girls!
Ivy: No.
NBC / Via shygirl364.tumblr.com
When Toby wasn’t invited to Diversity Day.
Michael: This is an environment of welcoming and you should get the hell out of here.
NBC / Via .imgur.com
When Jerry’s history was extremely unhelpful.
Jerry: You know actually, before my kids, I looked a lot like you, Chris.
Chris: I’m very sad, please stop talking.
nbc / Via justinripley.tumblr.com
When Toby was lied to.
Michael: You wanna hear a lie? I think you’re great, you’re my best friend.
NBC / Via tumblr.com
When Jerry’s mishap led to a harsh announcement.
Leslie: Let’s all pretend Jerry wasn’t born.
NBC / Via holden-caulfieldings.tumblr.com
When Toby gave a list of reasons why kids shouldn’t be allowed in the warehouse.
Michael: Why are you the way that you are?
NBC / Via tumblr.com
When Jerry learned some personal news.
Mark: A little birdy told me that your adoptive mother was arrested for marijuana possession.
Jerry: What?
Mark: You didn’t know that, huh?
Jerry: I didn’t know I was adopted.
Mark: Oh no.
NBC / Via linked-pinkies.tumblr.com
When Toby was the subject of an intense hypothetical.
Michael: If I had a gun with two bullets and I was in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden and Toby, I would shoot Toby twice.
NBC / Via buzzfeed.com
When Jerry/Larry/Terry/Garry was messed with so much, he forgot his actual name.
Jerry/Larry/Terry/Garry: No, it’s not Larry. It’s Jerry… No, it’s Garry.
NBC / Via imgur.com
When Toby’s departure was taken very seriously.
Michael: Can I just say that of all the idiots in all the idiot villages in all the idiot worlds, you stand alone, my friend.
NBC / Via buzzfeed.com
When Jerry’s internet skills offended Tom.
Tom: God, Jerry! You don’t deserve the internet.
NBC / Via nbcparksandrec.tumblr.com
When Toby got in the way of Michael impressing Holly.
Michael: I’ll kill you.
NBC / Via tumblr.com
When Larry discovered a secret.
April: Every year we would dress up as demons and egg Larry’s house.
Larry: That was you?
Chris: Larry, please. We’re trying to have a private conversation.
NBC / Via amusementdaily.tumblr.com
When Toby returned.
Michael: No, God, please no! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
NBC / Via tenor.com
When Jerry’s innocent story was interrupted.
Jerry: I was walking Lord Sheldon.
April: Ew, is that code for some kind of weird sex act?
Jerry: Lord Sheldon is my dog.
NBC / Via pinterest.com
When Toby tried to greet Nellie.
Toby: Hi!
Nellie: No…
NBC / Via theodysseyonline.com
When Jerry tried to make Tom feel good.
Jerry: I really wish I could have your body.
April: Ew, like, tied up, naked, in your basement?
NBC / Via pinterest.com
When Toby tried to counsel Michael.
Michael: I hate looking at your face. I wanna smash it.
NBC / Via theodysseyonline.com
When Jerry’s art was destroyed.
NBC / Via frejskamavora.tumblr.com
When Toby was the subject of Nellie’s Halloween costume.
NBC / Via hiddenremote.com
When Jerry struggled with the computer.
April: Can you photoshop your life with better decisions, Jerry?
NBC / Via rebloggy.com
When Toby started to annoy Andy.
Andy: How are you not murdered every hour?
NBC / Via pinterest.com
NBC / Via ecandpark.tumblr.com
And this.
NBC / Via buzzfeed.com