1. There was an absolutely dashing Superman, donning the full classic get-up, cape and all.
Michael Blackmon for BuzzFeed News
Alex Ross / Wikipedia Commons
2. And of course, there was a Clark Kent look-a-like, probably preparing to go save his beloved city of Metropolis.
Michael Blackmon for BuzzFeed News
3. There was a gorgeous Wonder Woman striking a powerful pose before she hopped into her invisible jet.
Michael Blackmon for BuzzFeed News
4. T’Challa took a break from his massive kingdom to visit one of the geekiest conventions on the East Coast.
Michael Blackmon for BuzzFeed News
Marvel Animation
5. But that wasn’t the only T’Challa that showed up at NYCC — there was another Black Panther who teamed up with his beautiful partner, Storm.
Bim Adewunmi for BuzzFeed News
Marvel Comics
6. The White Ranger made an appearance, wielding his magnificent sword.
Michael Blackmon for BuzzFeed News
Saban Entertainment
7. There was an incredibly adorable D.Va from the video game Overwatch being a total badass.
Michael Blackmon for BuzzFeed News
Blizzard Entertainment
8. Mr. T of the A-Team had a few moments to spare, rocking his signature gold chains.
Michael Blackmon for BuzzFeed News
Universal Television
9. Michonne of The Walking Dead stepped out and brought a couple of zombies along with her.
Michael Blackmon for BuzzFeed
10. Panthro from ThunderCats came out to party in an impressive-looking outfit.
Michael Blackmon for BuzzFeed News
Animation Corporation.
11. Static Shock ~lit up~ the room with his perfectly executed superhero suit.
Michael Blackmon for BuzzFeed News
12. And Naruto did not come to play — he came to slay.
Michael Blackmon for BuzzFeed News
Cartoon Network
13. Nick Fury came out to the event, however, none of his Avengers comrades were around him at the time.
Michael Blackmon for BuzzFeed News
Marvel Comics
14. Polaris had us all under her spell, because her costume was amazing.
Michael Blackmon for BuzzFeed News
Marvel Comics
15. Miles Morales’ spidey senses were on full display, as he donned his beautiful red and black Spider-Man costume.
Bim Adewunmi for BuzzFeed News
Marvel Comics
16. Rogue from X-Men showed up, looking like the world’s most fabulous mutant.
Bim Adewunmi for BuzzFeed News
Marvel Comics
17. And Tina Turner would definitely be proud of this perfect Aunty Entity cosplayer. Mad Max forever.
Michael Blackmon for BuzzFeed News
Kennedy Miller Productions
18. The force was strong with this handsome Jedi.
Michael Blackmon for BuzzFeed News
19. The Gold Ranger struck a strong pose, gearing up to battle some unfortunate villain.
Michael Blackmon for BuzzFeed News
Saban Entertainment
20. And Red X of Teen Titans blessed everyone with his sublime costume.
Michael Blackmon for BuzzFeed News
DC Entertainment