Even Cheryl Blossom would approve!
Cheryl Blossom and Archie at Pop’s:
Ronnie and her Archiekins:
This ridiculously adorable Jughead:
B & V all ready for game day:
Jason and Cheryl Blossom looking amazingly creepy:
Betty as a Southside Serpent:
Bughead being adorable:
The River Vixens:
Juggie cheating on Betty with Josie:
Cheryl Blossom and her syrup:
Bughead after River Vixens practice:
Twitter / Via Twitter: @Randa_Cheyenne
Archie and Jughead in their *elements*…
Twitter / Via Twitter: @jessterGinger
The gang in their throwback looks:
Riverdale / Via Twitter: @AndyyFabulous
Cheryl at Sweetwater River:
Veronica and the cutest Archie ever:
Twitter / Via Twitter: @emilyimdorf
The whole squad…
…and one more time, for good measure:
Instagram: @ayshalikethecontinent
And, yes, I did it too with the B to my V.