Guys, the first trailer for The Last Jedi premiered today at Star Wars Celebration, and booooy does it look damn good. In case you missed it, here it is:
But, we have SEVERAL questions and December is a long way to wait for them to be answered.
1. Why is Kylo Ren’s mask broken?
Did he have another hissy fit and just SMASH it?! Or does a certain someone (*cough* Rey) do this?
2. Are these the Journals of the Whills?!?!
As briefly mentioned in Rogue One, Baze and Chirrut were once Guardians of the Whills – now, the Whills, for those who don’t know, are these kind of ~mystical~ beings who were deeply tied to the Force. And in Star Wars lore The Journal of the Whills was a legendary record of events in the galaxy. So…it could be?! They look old.
3. What’s with this star/logo that appears to be on of The Journal of the Whills?
Is this an old Jedi symbol?
4. Or is it just an Easter egg?
The glare on the original A New Hope poster and The Last Jedi looks a lot like the symbol that’s in the book.
5. After the Rebellion’s base was discovered by the First Order did they just move their operations to a battle ship?
Both General Leia and Poe appear to be on a rather large ship.
7. Do these ships belong to the Resistance?
Because they’re clearly going into battle with the New Order – you can see the AT-ATs in the distance.
8. And why are they (purposefully?) kicking up the cool red dirt from the ground?
9. What is going on in this scene with the Millennium Falcon?
Does this mean that the First Order was able to figure out where Luke was hiding? And how? They didn’t ever get the map.
10. Does this shot mean Rey was having visions of the future in Force Awakens?
Because it looks like we’re seeing a different angle of what she saw.
12. Are they going to explain how Captain Phasma got off Starkiller base?
Because that is definitely her.
13. Does Rey actually get to keep Luke/Anakin’s lightsaber?!
We saw her try to hand it to Luke at the end of Force Awakens, so does he refuse? Maybe he still has his green one from Jedi and/or he feels it doesn’t belong to him anymore.
14. Why does Luke want the Jedi to end?
And is HE going to be the one to end it? What’s the plan here?
15. And finally, will this affect the opening crawl?
Because it looks like The Last Jedi picks up RIGHT where The Force Awakens left off – so what would be left to “recap” in the crawl?