Okay but what actually happened to this sword when Dany roasted the Tarlys?

Sure, Tywin melted it down into two lesser swords, but let’s just pretend that never happened.

Stick ’em with the pointy end.

Pshh, Valryian steel? Everybody’s got one of those. You need a truly unique blade, like Dawn, forged from the metal of a fallen star.

You earned it and you know how to wield it. Now the only question is, will Jorah be mad when he finds out you have his ancestral sword?

Oathkeeper may yet have a role to play in the show. In the books? Ehhhhhhhhhh.

You’re a rare breed and you need a rare blade. Dark Sister, one of the two Targaryen ancestral Valyrian swords, is lost somewhere in the realm…but I have a feeling Bran might know where it is.