1. After months of anticipation, Luke Cage finally dropped on Netflix last week, and it is everything fans hoped it would be.
3. The series stars Mike Colter as the titular character, who’s a rather stoic defender of the disempowered and the world’s first bulletproof black man. Many have called him the superhero the world needs right now.
5. But aside from our hero, we need to talk about the Chinese couple on Luke Cage: Connie and Jin Lin.
They’re Luke’s landlords who own Genghis Connie’s, the restaurant below his apartment.
7. Boss lady Connie — who is a bit strict at first — isn’t afraid to claim what’s hers.
“BBHMM ” —Connie, probably
8. But after a group of men trash the restaurant, Luke comes to the couple’s rescue. Afterward, he and Connie become fast friends.
11. When one of their attackers begin antagonizing the couple, Jin responds in the best way possible.
13. Many fans were moved by the minor detail.
It’s such a small detail but
It makes me so happy to see older Asian characters not have a stereotypical accent in Luke Cage. V happy.
— ⛧ᶢᵒᵇᶫᶦᵑʱ♛ᵏᵚᵉᵉᵑ⛧ (@linhtropy)
#LukeCage’s “I’ve got you” to the old Chinese American couple (who don’t have stereotypical accents or outfits or m… https://t.co/d1gBL42SBv
— Erin (@solcelo)
Weirdly moved by #LukeCage having the aging proprietors of a Chinese restaurant speak without dumb stereotypical accents. <3
— Dan Hassler-Forest (@DanHF)
I’m still amazed that LUKE CAGE:
1. gave the Chinese restaurant owners depth.
2. AND they didn’t have accents!— J😵N (@spinaret)
👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼#LukeCage for having Asian American characters who do not speak with an accent 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
— Maegan Houang (@houangm)
19. They also praised Marvel for moving away from stereotypical representation of Asian-Americans.
We went an entire season of Jessica Jones + Daredevil and didn’t meet a single normal Asian citizen & Luke Cage has 2 in the TRAILER lmao
— ✨clara mae✨ (@ubeempress)
SO refreshing to see an Asian character in a Marvel show that isn’t a ninja or a gangster or has a thick accent. #LukeCage #SweetChristmas
— Will (@BoomerNiner)