Tyrese: TikTok Needs To Have An Age Limit!!

Tyrese is not a fan of all of the recent TikTok challenges — and he says the social media app should have an age limit.

“I’m gonna go ahead and say it cause it should be said….. TikTok needs to have an age limit,” he wrote before deleting the Instagram post. “Some of y’all whole grown ups are out here looking CRAZY for views….. While your 9 year old at home like ‘Mom/Dad you’re uploading videos everyday, dancing looking crazy end ain’t made dinner in 3 weeks….. Facbook, IG and Twitter….. All of this other sh*t is fir kids.”

Is he right?

In December, Tyrese announced that he would be divorcing his wife.

“Our journey together has been a ride of both ups & downs, but it’s a journey that neither of us would have chosen to take with anyone else,” the joint statement reads in part.

“We truly have so much love & respect for each other,” he wrote. “We both have grown tremendously within this relationship; we have shared so many beautiful memories and moments, and we also look forward to see the amazing futures we have ahead of us individually.”


Black & Blue Trailer (; 1:00)

He still wants to salvage his marriage.