90210 actress Tori Spelling says that her whole family has tested positive for Covid-19.
“Our entire family has COVID. Yes, every single member got it. We all have varying degrees of symptoms. I was last to be symptomatic. We all were praying it was just a bad winter cold. But it wasn’t,” she said on Instagram.
“Nothing is worse than wanting to care for your little ones but feeling so sick you can barely function yourself. I feel useless as a parent. Devastated. A mom is supposed to take care of their kiddos when sick. That’s how it works. But, we are all getting thru this together.”
She added, “So many are going thru this as well. Have gone they thru this. And, will go thru this. If I’m not responding please understand,” she went on. “Give me some time. We are right in the thick of it. For reference : This post took 45 min of starting and stopping to write. ?#covidsucks.”