This “X-Men: Apocalypse” Deleted Scene Shows Us Even More Jean Grey

1. If you caught X-Men: Apocalypse earlier this summer, you know it showed us our favorite mutant heroes when they were young students at X-Mansion.

20th Century Fox

2. By far, the coolest and most powerful was Jean Grey (Sophie Turner), who’s already given us some serious Dark Phoenix vibes.

20th Century Fox

5. For a second, it looks like Jean might… well… shoot a deadly arrow right into a group of her classmates.

20th Century Fox

7. But nah, she just wants to give herself space to BEND THAT ARROW WITH HER MIND.

20th Century Fox

9. For more deleted scenes, check out X-Men: Apocalypse on Digital HD Sept. 9, and on DVD and Blu-Ray Oct. 4.

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