The most important thing in your life is your friends and family. You respect their opinions more than anyone else’s. Because you’re also a very caring person, you’d also do anything for them. There’s a lot of bravery inside you, too, even if it’s hard to summon when you really need it. While it isn’t easy to do the right thing at times, in the end you’d rather fight for justice than sit and observe on the sidelines. Your strengths include your motivation, confidence, and humbleness, but you have a weakness of being a bit defensive. Try and see where others are coming from before jumping to conclusions. There are other times where you tend to be idealistic, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Overall, your passion and drive are something to be looked up to and are traits you possess that inspire others around you.
You’re the type of person who people look up to, which you completely embrace. Your closest friends and family would describe you as brave and intelligent. Not everyone will always agree with your actions, but you always trust your instincts and stay the course. There are times where you can be a little manipulative to get what you want, but you see that more as a gift than a curse. You’re ambitious and cunning and usually see a clear path toward reaching your goals. Even when something interrupts that path, you don’t give up. That’s never been you. You really respect and admire the close friendships you’ve made, and you try and help them as much as possible, too. Overall, your decision-making skills and courageous attitude will help you go a long way in life.
You’re incredibly ambitious and are the type of person who sees through to a goal, even if you have a long-term plan to reach it. Basically, you’re the walking definition of “working hard” and often see favorable results. There’s also a brave side to you, and you aren’t afraid to go after what you believe is right. While there are times where you can be seen as ruthless, those who know you best know it’s because you’re the type of person who fights hard to get what you want in the end.
You are the type of person who is naturally a leader. While part of it is because you love being a person in power, another part is because you strive to create good change in the world. You have big dreams, plans, and ideas, and you’re not afraid to carry them out. You don’t trust easily, so when someone wins your trust, they know how important it is to you. There’s an internal flame in you that causes you to lash out when you’re angered, but only when someone has betrayed that sacred trust. You have a big, loyal heart and while it’s sometimes not easy for you to show vulnerable emotions, those closest to you know you care about them.
Loyalty means everything to you, but loyalty to your family is life. You’ve never been the type of person who has a ton of casual acquaintances. You tend to only hangout with a small group of close friends. You also skew on the side of being prideful and love being known and praised for your accomplishments, which isn’t necesarily a bad thing! Because this also means you’re a hard worker and truly strive to do your best. You’re naturally cunning and intelligent, but sometimes tend to think with your heart rather than your head.
You’re a resourceful, loyal, and extremely independent person. Once you start carving out your own path, you tend to stick to it and follow it, which also means you’re somewhat of a natural leader, too. You also have a good amount of pride about your identity and where you come from. Friends and family often look to you to help solve problems, because you’re very logical when you need to be. That doesn’t mean you’re stone cold on the inside, though. You’re good at sniffing out liars and fakes, which is why you cherish the true friendship bonds you have made with people.
You’re smart, influential, and a goddamn beautiful person. You’re very ambitious, and work really hard in order to accomplish your goals. While you’re not manipulative, per se, you do you know how to work people in order to get your way, which means you were probably sweet talking your way to dessert before dinner as a child. Your family and friendships mean everything to you, and they are your weakness — the people you’d do anything for.
You’re the type of person who tends to excel in areas of leadership. Your logical mind mixed with your determination and ambition shine when you’re in a group setting. But while you are bold, assertive, and self-reliant, it does not mean you’re a ruthless person. You’re simply used to independence and doing things yourself, which is why it can be hard to ask for help when you DO need it. You treat people respectably because that’s how you feel you deserve to be treated in return, and your temper can run high when someone does disrespect you. Overall, there is a big, caring heart hiding under a shelled exterior, but you only let the people you believe deserve it in!
When it comes down to it, you’re honestly a big softie with a huge heart. Which is hard at times, because you hate letting people walk all over you. You’re kind, loyal, and always stick up for what you believe in. That being said, you’re rather a peaceful person who doesn’t necessarily like conflict, but you don’t stand idly by when you know something is wrong, either. You tap into your emotional side more than your logical side, but only because your weakness is caring too much. Loving your family and friends is everything, and you hate seeing them hurt. You’ll tend to go out of your way to help someone even if you’re going through a tough time, which shows a lot of the strength and love you have to offer.
More often than not, you’re conflicted by your emotional and logical side — which are nearly equal. You have a genuine, patient, and kind personality and like making everyone happy, but sometimes you have to make hard, logical decisions that won’t necessarily make EVERYONE happy. You excel in providing great advice and feedback though, which your close friends consider invaluable. You’re both head and heart, which makes you such a loving, unique, and irreplaceable person!
Anyone who knows the real you considers you a true friend. While you’re honest, friendly, and kind, you also have a personal drive within you to reach your goals and dreams. A lot of people look up to you and see you as influential because of this. You’re charismatic and compassionate, but you can also put your foot down and be assertive when you need to. Although many consider you their true friend, you personally have only a few friends that you consider close and trustworthy, and those are the opinions you value the most!
You’re the type of person who has the natural strength, grace, and charisma that people look up to, but deep down, you’re a romantic. You love the idea of being loved, but can sometimes feel insecure of exposing your vulnerabilities. Also, you’re secretly a competitive person
— which is not-so-secret when that competitiveness comes out. You like winning and the feeling of being on top of the world. People are drawn to your natural kindheartedness, fairness, and patience, because those are important traits you don’t mind showing off.
You are bold, intelligent, organized, and independent. Your problem-solving capabilities are something to be proud of, but you’re also known to not only follow your logic, but also your heart. You believe that good and justice prevails above all, and always strive to do what’s right. Some people may believe that you’re uptight, but your close friends cherish your originality, creativity, and natural intuition. There is no one else quite like you, and it’s your uniqueness that draws people in. You have a lot of love to give, but only to the people who you believe are worth your time and energy.
Cynical but smart, tough but intelligent, and assertive but kind — these are all things that describe you. You have a natural drive that propels you to always want to do better. You’re the type of person who learns from your mistakes and applies what your learn going forward. Your strengths are your knowledge, intuition, and cleverness. Some feel that you’re a hard person to really trust, which oftentimes leads to having you go out of the way to prove your loyalty. You’ve had to work to make friends, but the few close friends you do have mean the world to you and know just how much you appreciate them.
Kind, clever, smart, and one-of-a-kind — this is how people often describe you. You have a wide variety of outstanding qualities, including being a person that people naturally gravitate toward. You’re great company at a party and are able to wow people with interesting knowledge and facts. However, you’re not someone people EVER want to double-cross. Instead of shaking off the negativity, your plan typically involves revenge. Nothing too extreme, but just personal enough to let others know never to mess with you. Friends and family who know you best are always amazed at your quick wit and humor, but you’re also a trustworthy person to confide in when others need to.
You’re a naturally curious, smart, and reliable person. When you say you’re going to do something, you do it. Even if you set goals that SEEM unachievable, you still work incredibly hard to reach them. Because of this, you’re a naturally ambitious and motivated person. Brains and bravery — two things that are incredibly rare to have together — are two things you definitely OWN. You tend to follow your instincts and trust your gut, but you also are very open to hearing advice and opinions from the friends you trust the most. Their presence in your life is invaluable to you. It’s not often that your actions can be considered reckless and thoughtless, because you always step back to think things through before moving forward. Plus, your charismatic and uniqueness naturally draw others to you!