Roll Safe
Fun Fact: This meme was taken from BBC’s #HoodDocumentary. The actor in it, Kayode Ewumi, is in another BBC series called Enterprice.
The Most Interesting Man in the World
Dos Equis, Taylor Hill / Getty Images
Fun Fact: The actor, Jonathan Goldsmith, was also in Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again.
Confused Nick Young
Cassy Athena / Via youtube.com, Rachel Murray / Getty Images
Fun Fact: This reaction image was captured during a video about Nick Young’s life when Nick’s mom claimed that he acted like a clown when he was a kid.
Why Don’t We Have Both?
Salt Bae
Petty Skai Jackson
That Would Be Great
Fox, Kabbage
Fun Fact: Aside from Office Space, the actor from the meme, Gary Cole, has also been in films such as One Hour Photo and Talledega Nights, and has done voice work for shows like Bob’s Burgers and Family Guy.
Schrute Facts
NBC, Rich Polk / Getty Images
Fun Fact: Rainn Wilson acted out this meme for a video that was featured in College Humor’s series “Malarious.”
What If I Told You…
Warner Bros., Earl Gibson Iii / Getty Images
Fun Fact: The words “what if I told you” aren’t a quote from the Matrix movie that this image is taken from, even though that’s the most popular way to caption the meme
Annoyed Picard
Paramount Television, Dan Istitene / Getty Images
Am I the Only One Around Here…
Polygram Filmed Entertainment, Theo Wargo / Getty Images
Fun Fact: This meme was taken from a scene in The Big Lebowski during a dispute involving a bowling score.
How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?
NBC, Elvis Barukcic / AFP / Getty Images
Fun Fact: Steve Buscemi is the star of several other memes, including “Buscemi Eyes,” where people take his eyes and Photoshop them on someone else.
Hide the Pain Harold
Math Lady
TV Globo, Raphael Dias / Getty Images
Fun Fact: This meme is taken from the Brazilian soap opera, Senhora do Destino.
History Channel, Tsoukalos / Via Twitter: @Tsoukalos
Fun Fact: Alongside being the host of Ancient Aliens, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos is a publisher, founder of Ancient Astronaut & SETI Research Association, and a world traveler.