Spending hundreds or even thousands of pounds on a beautiful investment handbag obviously has its benefits. The quality is usually outstanding, and the buttery leather only gets better with age. Luxury brands usually offer repairs if there are ever any design malfunctions, and it’s also likely a timeless companion will end up having quite a low cost per wear. But if you’re simply looking for a bag that has that luxury look, one that will still elevate all your outfits without the rather hefty price tag, it is possible to find expensive-looking alternatives, and we’re here to tell you where.
In our expert opinion, the best bags on the high street that also have lasting quality can be found at COS and Arket. & Other Stories also produces great classic leather iterations, while Mango and H&M versions can look the part but may not be quite as reliable on the quality (which is to be expected). M&S can produce a really great, designer-looking handbag every once in a while too, like this season’s brand-new minimalist crossbody, which is bound to sell out once influencers and fashion people inevitably catch on. Charles & Keith and JW Pei are two lesser-known brands that we editors also turn to for premium-looking styles, and you’ll find the current best options from all of these brands below.
In terms of expensive-looking features, we always recommend opting for a classic black, tan or cream shade if you want the most luxurious feel. Gold hardware always elevates, and braided or woven leather feels particularly special at the moment. And finally, real leather options may cost a little more but will always look and feel more expensive and last much longer.
Keep scrolling, and you’ll find 15 of the best expensive-looking handbags available right now, any of which will add a luxury feel to your upcoming autumn wardrobe without costing a fortune.
Up Next: The 9 Most Expensive-Looking Pieces on the High Street This Week