Sara Molina, the baby mama of Tekashi 6ix9ine, reportedly prevented him from seeing their daughter.
She says the rapper has not been involved in their daughter’s life since being released from prison.
Sara told TMZ the rapper told her back in August he wanted to create a genuine relationship with Saraiyah, 5, and was going to be more involved and present. Tekashi did not keep his word. She also claims that the rapper has not been helping to support his daughter financially — and that he’s basically a deadbeat.
The snitch-rapper has been spending his millions on new chains and weaves, so it’s not as if he does not have the money to provide for his daughter. She says that she told him he can see her whenever he wants — but the rapper missed her birthday in October, and now his daughter is calling him a “friend,” rather than her daddy.
Of course, Tekashi’s attorney, Lance Lazzaro, told the publication that he tried to be part of his daughter’s life, but Sara is preventing him from seeing her.