Yesterday, rapper Tekashi 6ix9ine was robbed for about $40,000 – and the person behind the robbery was Lul Tim, the man accused of killing rapper King Von. MTO News confirmed that Tekashi was hoping to get a rap verse from Lul Tim, in an effort to troll King Von’s friend Lil Durk – whom Tekashi is feuding with.

Tekashi 6ix9ine
So Tekashi traveled to Lul Tim’s neighborhood in Savannah Gpoergia, to get the verse.
MTO News spoke with one industry insider who told us that Tekashi paid some street guys $30,000 to get a meeting with Lul Tim. And when Tekashi pulled up to the meeting, the rainbow haired rapper gave Lul Tim and his street homies another $10K for the verse.
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What happened next – is pretty sad.
MTO News learned that Lul Tim and his homies told Tekashi that they were going to use the $10,000 he gave them to buy new clothes for the music video that they were prepared to shoot after Lul Tim dropped his verse. The crew left the studio – and never came back.
Tekashi and his crew waited 12 hours, hoping that they weren’t ghosted. Eventually the rainbow haired rapper realized what happened, and he left.
Here are receipts, from an engineer who co-signs everything we’re reporting above: