Two words: Ewan McGregor.
If you were born between 1987 and 1993, you were the prime age to see The Phantom Menace in theaters.
You were old enough to remember it and young enough to think it was an example of good filmmaking.
Lucasfilm / Via starwars.com
From there, you were invested and had no choice but to continue your journey of unabashed love.
I truly… deeply… love these movies.
Lucasfilm / Via nonada.com.br
In honor of my prequel-loving Millennial brethren, here is a list of reasons why these FANTASTIC films deserve some damn credit.
My allegiance is to the PREQUELS… to STAR WARS.
Lucasfilm / Via lylesmoviefiles.com
Darth “Man Candy” Maul.
Do you know what happens to a Dathomirian when it gets cut in half? The same thing that happens to everything else. Unfortunate death aside, Darth Maul was kickass. You have to be one skilled Force master to avoid decapitating yourself with such extreme weaponry.
Lucasfilm / Via starwars.com
Lucasfilm / Via starwars.com
Ewan. Fucking. McGregor.
Ewan’s portrayal of young Obi-Wan is so universally well-liked, that even the vilest prequel haters want to see him back. Also, his smile could melt the ears off a gundark.
Lucasfilm / Via pinterest.com
Yoda’s badass fight scene.
Sure, compared to puppet-Yoda, CGI-Yoda is trash. However, it paved the way for one helluva fight scene between him and Saruman.
Lucasfilm / Via viewerscommentary.com
Easter eggs.
E.T. in the Senate… The Millennium Falcon on Coruscant… Who doesn’t enjoy a secret treat that lasts .0003 seconds?
Lucasfilm / Via starwars.com
Jimmy “Smoldering Stare” Smits.
Jimmy Smits was so excellent as Senator Bail Organa, they brought him back for Rogue One. That’s pretty incredible considering the new movies are trying to hypnotize us into forgetting the prequels ever existed. WE WILL NEVER FORGET, DISNEY!
Lucasfilm / Via starwars.com
“Duel of the Fates.”
Move over, “Livin’ la Vida Loca” because this was the ~true~ best song of 1999.
Lucasfilm / Via businessinsider.com
IDK, this rain planet was pretty dope.
Lucasfilm / Via starwars.wikia.com
Mace Windu and his flashy lightsaber.
Sam Jackson is so motherfucking cool, they let him have a unique lightsaber just so he could stand out in the fight scenes. AND HE CHOSE PURPLE!
Lucasfilm / Via starwars.com
Seeing Alderaan pre-destruction.
Listen, all of the Naboo scenes should have taken place on Alderaan, but at least we caught a glimpse of the planet (RIP) at the very end of the trilogy. So beautiful. So pristine. So close to death.
Lucasfilm / Via swprequelnotes.tumblr.com
Watto (yes, Watto).
Watto haters back off. This Toydarian may look like Gonzo on meth, but he was a riot and a half. Don’t pretend you didn’t call dice “chance cubes” for the remainder of 1999.
Lucasfilm / Via imdb.com
Liam Neeson’s portrayal of Qui-Gon “Luscious Locks” Jinn.
Liam Neeson is the Irish daddy of our dreams and the only bad part of his performance was when he didn’t return as a force ghost.
Lucasfilm / Via starwars.com
The many, many quotable lines.
Over-the-top? Sure. Cheesy? Maybe. Memorable? You better fucking believe it.
Lucasfilm / Via slideshare.net
That big ole battle on Geonosis.
Dude, Jango Fett was straight-up decapitated.
Lucasfilm / Via starwars.wikia.com
The return of Ian McDiarmid.
It’s honestly a little disappointing that a renowned theater actor will forever be remembered as an evil sci-fi villain who shoots lightning out of his fingertips, but we’re BEYOND grateful that he came back.
Lucasfilm / Via denofgeek.com
Baby Joel Edgerton.
We knew him before we knew him and we didn’t even know it.
Lucasfilm / Via yahoo.com
The dramatic, lava-fueled Mustafar duel.
This is the greatest film scene in the history of cinema and don’t you dare try to disagree because I HAVE THE HIGH GROUND.
Lucasfilm / Via io9.gizmodo.com
And Jar Jar Binks.
Admit it, we all LOVE to hate things. Imagine a world in which we didn’t have Jar Jar to constantly trash. He provides us all with a healthy outlet and we should take a moment to thank him and Ahmed Best.
Lucasfilm / Via themarysue.com
Don’t agree? Well, then…
Lucasfilm / Via reddit.com