Could Rick and company be even more vulnerable than we realized?
The Walking Dead returned for its eighth season and 100th episode on Sunday, featuring Rick and company going on the offensive against Negan and The Saviors.
Along with a new season came a new fan theory.
Towards the end of the episode, all hell broke loose as Rick and his people shot up The Sanctuary.
Amidst the chaos, Father Gabriel spotted Gregory, who’d betrayed the group, in danger. Instead of leaving him, Gabriel ran to his side.
Gregory wound up stealing Gabriel’s car, leaving him to fend for himself and hide.
It turned out that Gabriel picked the absolute worst hiding spot, because he found himself stuck in close quarters with Negan, surrounded by walkers.
Or, is this the worst situation for Father Gabriel? Here’s the theory: Gabriel is actually working with Negan.
Gabriel seemed confused, but didn’t react as if he were particularly fearful of being harmed when Negan revealed himself.
Negan tells Gabriel he’s about to “shit his pants,” but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s going to harm him.
It could simply mean he’s about to blow his mind with information, or surprise him in some way. More importantly, GABRIEL HAS A GUN, yet he doesn’t immediately kill Negan, instead he listens to his shit your pants spiel.
Is it possible that Gabriel is on Negan’s team? Perhaps he’s been a mole of sorts, leaking information from Rick and the gang to Negan.
If you remain unconvinced and need further evidence of sketchiness, look back to Season 7. Remember when Gabriel stole food, got in a car, and as he was driving away, another person appeared in the passenger’s seat?
It appeared Gabriel had turned on Rick and the rest of Alexandria, but it turned out he’d been kidnapped by the scavengers.
Rick and company wound up going to the scavengers’ junkyard and saving Gabriel. They also made a deal to join forces with the scavengers and combat Negan.
What if Negan had Gabriel lead Rick and company to the scavengers so they’d think they’d found allies, even though he knew what was going on the entire time.
In the Season 7 finale, the scavengers turned on Rick’s group, but were they ever really with him, or were they pretending the entire time while secretly being aligned with Negan?
It’d be quite a twist, but a lot of people have found Gabriel and his “kidnapping” fishy.
Plus, Gabriel’s been shady before. In Season 5 he vehemently told Deanna she shouldn’t trust Rick and the rest of the group.
So, what do you think?