Beverly Hills Housewife Lisa Rinna has not said much about her young daughter dating Scott Disick — but in a new episode of the show, she had a lot to say.
“We love Eyal. He’s so good for Delilah. She’s really growing into herself. Harry’s made it quite clear that he would not objet if Delilah and Eyal got married. Which is pretty shocking, but that says a lot,” says Lisa who approves of her other daughter’s choice of boyfriend.
“I can’t say the same for Amelia at this point. No. Like why can’t [she be dating] Harry Styles? Why the f*ck is it Scott Disick?” she asks.
Scott started dating Amelia Hamlin when she was just 19 and he was 38.
Weeks back, a source revealed to the outlet that Kourtney Kardashian is okay about the relationship.
“Kourtney knows that Scott and Amelia are very close, but she hasn’t spent as much time with Amelia as she did with [his ex] Sofia [Richie]. So, it’s still in the getting to know each other phase but Kourtney is definitely open to bridging that gap. She knows that Amelia has bonded with her kids and that’s fine by Kourtney because she has seen how well they get along.”