During a recent episode of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Erika Girardi claimed that her estranged husband, Tom Girardi, was trying to punish her in their divorce.
“Oh he’s down to punish my ass all the way to the ground,” she said.
“Around the time of ‘Chicago,’ Tom’s view of me had changed,” she told producers. “Like he was like, ‘Who the f*ck do you think you are?’ I was like, ‘What are you talking about? You gave me the ball. I ran into the end zone with it. What the f*ck are you doing?'”
She added, “I know how mean and how vicious and how utterly dismissive Tom is. Tom wins. You lose. The end.”
She also denied allegations that she helped him embezzle money from his clients.
“This sucks so bad,” she said. “The things that are being said are just wrong. People are believing [the allegations] and they’re everywhere and it’s terrible. I’m here, by myself, and what’s being said, I mean, it’s insane that my divorce is a sham. But nobody cares about the facts.”