The official Black Lives Matter page on Instagram celebrated Martin Luther King’s birthday by posting a video of a woman “twerking” across the nation’s capital, MTO News has learned.

According to the official BLM page, they posted the video as an “artist expression.” The page called twerking “an ancient sacred dance of liberation and wellness.” The page continued encouraging Black women to twerk with pride, saying, “The shame of traditional African practices is not ours.”
Here’s the video they posted on Dr. King’s birthday:
Black Lives Matter is a 501c3 that promotes the eradication of White supremacy through non-traditional means.
But the organization is now under fire because many believe that posting a twerk video on MLK’s birthday was disrespectful to everything that Dr. King stood for. The critics claim that the “Black Lives Matter” page is out of touch with the thinking of most Black people.
For those interested here is the full artistic twerk video: