The woman who slept with her baby daddy’s best friend, Black Ink Crew star Ryan Henry — is alleging that he baby daddy, Anthony Lindsey used to beat her.
Nina Marie also posted pictures on her Instagram appearing to show off her injuries.
“I decided in the beginning of this year that I was going to touch on some experiences I’ve gone through in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness month, but with everything else that has transpired it has overshadowed my true intentions in shedding light on the things that have happened in the past 6 years involving Anthony and I,” her post begins.
Nina shared pictures of scratch marks and bruises across her neck, chest and shoulders.
She later writes, “After the first round of abuse I immediately obtained a restraining order and tried to move forward. Newly pregnant and alone afraid of what was to come for me as a single mother I let him back into my life when I was almost 9 mos pregnant. After Caydenn was born I decided to stick with his father and work it out to try give my son the life I never had which was one with a complete family and both biological parents in the household.”