New York Housewife Calls Eboni K. Williams ‘Cowardly’ For Not Stopping Fight!!

Eboni K. Williams, the first Black New York Housewife, is being called out for not getting involved in a fight between two other Housewives.

Eboni is close pals with Leah McSweeney and allegedly warned Heather Thomson that Leah was “gunning for her.”

But Heather says once the fireworks started, Eboni sat back and watched.

“I think she stirred the pot, and she caused an issue, and she didn’t speak up. We had a conversation that was off-camera. And I said, ‘Boy, Leah really gunning for me.’ And I said, ‘And this whole voting thing,’ and she said, ‘Yes, it’s very upsetting to me.’ And we both shared our opinions that it’s a privilege to be able to vote,” she said.


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“It was a very quick conversation, so then when she was recounting it to Leah, I think she could have said, ‘Wait a minute, girl, you’re going way too crazy. That’s not what happened.’ She just let her storm out of the room. She had an opinion as strong as I had. And Eboni sat silent. So that I thought was cowardly,” Heather added.