Roblox has been called “the world’s most popular game you’ve never heard of.” It’s by far the most popular gaming platform for kids under 13, MTO News has confirmed.
The massive multiplayer online game has recently outstripped even Minecraft’s user numbers. While the game may seem like an innocent digital playground for children, there are some frightening issues with its online community.
One game in particular has parents upset. The game allows kids to pretend to be mass shooters. In the game, kids take a gun inside a school and kill as many of their classmates as they can.
MTO News learns that parents are organizing online to pressure Roblox to remove the game from its platform.
Here’s a video showing the game in action:
Roblox is a vast online platform where kids can create and interact in what its makers describe as “immersive 3D worlds.” Players are given the opportunity to create an avatar (player) for themselves and allotted a small amount of digital money to rent a house. Money to furnish and decorate the house requires real world money, with costs adding up fast.