Montana of 300 says he has pneumonia and Covid 19 and is fighting for his life.
“Im fighting pneumonia and Covid rn. I can’t be a father to my kids, I can’t train my sons in the gym, I can’t attend their games and support them, I can barely walk or talk. Im fighting for my life rn, so y’all bare with me and pray for me. #RapGod,” he tweeted.
Just weeks ago, the rapper clowned his followers for taking the vaccination:
“A lot of y’all grown MFs got punked into taking that vaccine. Some of y’all sounding just like a lying drug dealer in court…’ I only did it for my family.’ Nawwww you did it FOR SELF (scared for you)… or some of y’all got treated like a little kid when a parent says, ‘Do what I tell you or I’m gonna take away your toys of video game (JOB) and yo ass got scared and obeyed your ‘Earthly Master’ as the Bible says #grownpunks.”
Should Montana have taken the vaccine?