Mimi Faust On Breakup w/ Fiance Ty Young: I Didn’t Want To Get Married!!

Mimi Faust has opened up about her broken engagement with Ty Young.

She says she did not want to get married.

“I think the turning point for me was the engagement. That’s not what I wanted. I expressed this to Ty but Ty is a natural-born athlete. She’s a natural-born winner, she’s just used to getting what she wants. And so that is what she wanted and she wanted to press forward with what she wanted regardless of anybody else and how they felt about it” She added, “I didn’t want to be married,” Mimi said on “Get Into It With Tami Roman.”

She says she realized the truth during therapy. “Well, with that, with me saying that, it opened up a whole, humongous can of worms. Not only for our relationship but for myself. I started therapy.”


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She also says her past with Scientology played a part.

“From me being in Scientology…when I left that and I was on my own at 13, I had to live with a whole bunch of people. Different households, different this, different that. And I kind of lost my voice. And I would just go along with whatever was going on. I wouldn’t speak up for myself because I was afraid if I spoke up, I might get kicked out. If I spoke up, I was gonna lose a situation. So my voice got really muffled and lost. And that just stuck with me until my adult life.”