Megyn Kelly: Disney Must Fire Rachel Zegler

Megyn Kelly knows something about being fired.

NBC gave the talker got the ax in 2018 over a silly scandal involving blackface and Halloween costumes. Kelly licked her professional wounds and rebuilt her career on her terms.

And how.

She’s one of the most influential podcasters in the country. Not a shabby comeback story.

The SiriusXM star weighed in on Disney’s latest PR disaster, and she didn’t mince a single word.

“Snow White” star Rachel Zegler dug herself a sizable hole last year while trashing the source material of the live-action update. It’s too old, too teeming with The PatriarchyTM, she cried, drumming up bad publicity for the over-budgeted film.

Zegler later tried to make nice, but the Internet can be an unforgiving place. The film endured sizable reshoots, but there was still a chance that ol’ Disney magic could make it a hit.

That’s assuming consumers will forgive her latest screed.

This time, she didn’t target the source material but millions who might be willing to see the film in theaters come March 2025. She raged against President Donald Trump and his supporters, wishing they “never know peace.”

Regrets, she apparently has a few.

“Hatred and anger have caused us to move further and further away from peace and understanding, and I am sorry I contributed to the negative discourse.”

“This week has been emotional for so many of us but I firmly believe that everyone has the right to their opinion, even when it differs from my own … I am committed to contributing positively toward a better tomorrow.”

Megyn Kelly may not accept that quasi apology. 

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Kelly, along with the hosts of the “Ruthless Variety Progrum,” skewered the young star Thursday for her hateful rhetoric.

The former Fox News superstar took the lead. Kelly noted that had Zegler trashed President Joe Biden’s supporters in a similar manner she’d be out of work.

“That person would be fired so fast it would make your head spin,” Kelly said. “She has to go. I’m sorry, Disney. She has to go.”

“You’re gonna put out a Disney film with Snow White, a beloved American character, with a women who hates more than half the country, the half that just elected Donald Trump,” Kelly continued. “This is an incredible pivot point right now. We’ll see which way woke Disney decides to go.”

“It’s no wonder that institutions like Disney and ABC are so out of touch with reality when you consider the fact that 80 percent, 90 percent of the people who work at both of those organizations think like [Zegler] does,” “Ruthless” co-host John Ashbrook added. “Until they have a 50/50 [political] split, they’re not gonna understand how to talk to regular people.”

The post Megyn Kelly: Disney Must Fire Rachel Zegler appeared first on Hollywood in Toto.