A media outlet is suing Snoop Dogg for copyright infringement.
Freedom News TV (FNTV is seeking $150,000 from him in federal court after he allegedly posted one of their videos onto his social media page.
They say he violated the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which prohibits the removal of “content management information” used on copyrighted works. He did not credit them when he reposted.
“Defendant intentionally removed copyright management information related to the video,” the lawsuit reads per Radar. “Defendant purposefully failed to include the video credit originally conveyed with the video in order to mislead the public into believing that defendant either owned the video or had legitimately licensed it.”
However, Snoop posted the video on April 3rd and the video was not registered for copyright until six days later.
FNTV said: “Without permission or authorisation from Plaintiff, Defendant volitionally selected, copied, stored and/or displayed Plaintiff’s copyright protected Video.”
Snoop Dogg has not responded to the lawsuit.