Kim Kardashian has been searching for a new look – ever since she and husband Kanye West announced they were splitting up. Well now MTO News has images of Kim’s latest “new” face, and it’s quite a transformation.

Kim Kardashian has besides to change her hair color and her eyebrows to blonde. She also got a deep tan. And she also appears to have gotten some facial fillers.
When you put all those changes together – she looks very different, MTO News has learned.
Here’s a pic of what Kim looks like now.

Here’s what she used to look like, before:

Kim seems to like her new look, but many on social media are not as happy with it.
Some are claiming that with Kim’s new face, she now looks like a trans-person. Here are just a sample of the comments that you can find on Twitter:
Most these broads be Unrecognizable without all that camouflage on their face
Bruh all the people around Kim and none of them told her this a bad look???
Very reminiscent of that versace lady tho
She looks like a [transperson]. Are we sure she still has all her lady parts.