Biracial singer Keke Wyatt trended last week following a rant against Black Lives Matter.
Keke was on a livestream discussion when she started BLASTING Black people fighting for civil rights – the fight not to be disproportionately killed by police, or not to be harassed in public spaces by non-blacks or not to falsely accused by non-Blacks at the drop of a dime and have the police be used as their weapon – stuff like that.
Keke continued: “Black people aren’t the only ones that have gone through “discrimination.” She continued, “So have Mexicans and so have Jewish people.” She then claimed that civil rights activists were “Plack people that just say n*gga n*gga n*gga” all day.
“I want my sisters to know that I love them and I am sorry down to my damn bone marrow if I hurt…,” an emotional Keke said. “I did not mean to diminish our culture at all.”
Y’all forgive her?