Jimmy Kimmel Says People Who Are Unvaccinated Don’t Deserve Hospital Beds

Jimmy Kimmel says that people who have refused to get vaccinated do not deserve hospital beds.

 “Dr. Fauci said if hospitals get any more crowded, they’re going to have to make some very tough choices about who gets an ICU bed. That choice doesn’t seem so tough to me.”

“Vaccinated person having a heart attack? Yes, come right on in, we’ll take care of you. Unvaccinated guy who gobbled horse goo? Rest in peace, wheezy,” he said.

More than 177 million people in the U.S. are fully vaccinated.

“We’ve still got a lot of pan-dimwits out there,” Kimmel continued. “People are still taking this ivermectin. The poison control center has seen a spike in calls from people taking this livestock medicine to fight the coronavirus, but they won’t take the vaccine. It’s like if you’re a vegan and you’re like, ‘No, I don’t want a hamburger, give me that can of Alpo instead.'”