Jewel Begs Fans to Forgive Her for Trump Inauguration Gig

Cancel Culture is on the run, but it’s not dead yet.

In recent years artists would perform hostage-style apologies for acts that angered the social justice mob. Think Scarlett Johansson backpedaling after she accepted a role playing a trans person in a film called “Rub and Tug.”

(That film project never saw the light of day after the “Black Widow” star pulled out)

Even Stephen King, one of the most successful authors of the modern era, apologized after suggesting Oscar winners should be chosen on merit, not identity politics.

That was then.

Now, mega-stars like Sylvester Stallone are coming out to support President Donald Trump and few are demanding an apology. Trump’s inauguration drew stars like Kid Rock, Carrie Underwood and Snoop Dogg and no one shared a mewling mea culpa the next day.

Except Jewel.

The ’90s era sensation, best known for hits like “Who Will Save Your Soul,” performed at a GOP ball honoring Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Trump’s choice for Health and Human Services Secretary.

That enraged a select group of Jewel’s fans.

She rushed to her Instagram account to share a video apology as if it were still 2020.


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“I’m so sorry that I caused pain, especially in our LGBTQ+ community,” she said in her video speech.

She also attempted to bring context to her appearance.

“If I wait to try until I agree 100% with the people that might be willing to help me, I’d never get off the bench. I don’t think that’s how activism works, waiting until everything’s perfect enough to participate,” she said. “It’s actually… because things are so imperfect that we have to find ways to engage and to participate. And we have to act now. We cannot wait another four years….”

“I want to be a ray of light in this world. I try hard to be a ray of light in your lives … I know that in times of darkness we must grow light, and so I will wake up again tomorrow and try again. And I will count on each of you to do the same.”

“I’m so sorry that some of my longtime fans felt I let them down,” she said.

Apology not accepted. Not a bit, at least according to the Instagram comments attached to the video.

a mental health advocate supporting an administration that is destroying the mental health of the LGBTQIA+ and black and brown communities? Give me a fucking break.

Do you know what saves lives? Access to healthcare, access to education, feeling accepted, providing environments that promote diversity and inclusiveness. How exactly does the Republican Party promotes these things?

Damn. 25 years of my life as a fan and now it’s down the drain. There’s no excuse for aligning with hate and anti science rhetoric. This doesn’t help our mental health goals in any way.

You would think she would have learned that apologies aren’t accepted on the far-Left. 

Maybe she realizes that now.

The post Jewel Begs Fans to Forgive Her for Trump Inauguration Gig appeared first on Hollywood in Toto.