Jesse Williams’ ex-wife Aryn Drake-Lee does think he should have his child support payments lowered because he was the one who walked away from Gray’s Anatomy.
“I am requesting the Court reduce the child support to a reasonable amount I can afford given the significant reduction in my income and the now fluctuating nature of my income. The child support should also be reflective of our two young children’s actual lifestyle and not some exorbitant/imagined version,” he wrote.
But Aryn is not trying to hear his excuse.
She claims Jesse shouldn’t have left Grey’s Anatomy. “[Jesse] left a favorable, coveted, high-paying position on a successful T.V. show, in pursuit of his “own path,” and now seeks to shed his family responsibilities,” her motion reads.
In January Aryn Drake-Lee demanded primary custody of the children she shares with the actor.
According to legal documents obtained by Radar Online, Aryn says that Jesse has failed to comply with the court-ordered co-parenting schedule.
She says that his work schedule is very disruptive and that he even fired a nanny without consulting her. Aryn says his decisions “have resulted in increased inconsistency, longer absences, regular last-minute cancelations and other issues which are incredibly disruptive to our children’s lives.”