If you’ve been looking to potentially invest in a designer bag or simply want some visual inspiration, you’ve landed in the right spot. That’s right. We’re here to highlight a few specific handbag styles that could be worth the investment from a resale perspective. To uncover said silhouettes, we tapped designer resale retailer, Rebag. On that note, the brand actually just launched quite a handy tool. Introducing Clair AI. As an extension of the brand’s pricing tool, Clair, Clair AI features image recognition technology that can identify and price luxury handbags in literal seconds.
“People can use Clair AI for many instances, from understanding the value of the bags they already own to making an informed investment decision when considering a new purchase,” said Charles Gorra, CEO and Founder of Rebag. “For example, those cleaning out their closets can generate offers for their once-loved bags, while shoppers both in stores and online can scan a bag to get a look at its resale value before they make a purchase.” It’s all quite fascinating. You can literally snap a picture of a bag on the Rebag app and see how much the brand would be willing to pay for that item today to get a sense of the value.
With all that in mind, we wanted to get further insight into just some of the bags that will hold their value, according to Gorra. In essence, if you were to scan any of the styles coming your way, the resale value would be higher. Intrigued? Keep scrolling to check out the bags in question. And if you’re interested in shopping any of said styles or want to note for a later date, you’ll also uncover a variety of inspired picks throughout as well.